The 8-week long program aims to equip you with the tools and resources to do the most good by:
Helping you figure out what your definition of good is.
Introducing you to models and concepts that help you make right decisions when it comes to doing good.
Sharing research on the most pressing global cause areas, such as international health and development, animal welfare, and preserving the long-term future of humanity
Using high impact career planning frameworks to strategically plan your career
Dates and locations: In-person or online, weekly (multiple days of the week available to select in the signup form)
We think producing original research is both impactful and a highly valuable skill to hone. Hence, we're paying students $100 to produce quality writing that advances any field within the orbit of Effective Altruism. It can be original research project in a high-impact cause area, a review of an EA-related book or blog post series, or a blog post cross-applying ideas from other fields to EA.
Requirements for entry
Submit a piece of writing, and post it to the EA Forum.
The topic can be chosen from, but is not limited to, the suggested topics below.
Accepted submissions will be paid $100, and featured on our website. We expect most good-faith submissions to be accepted, so do submit if you're on the fence.
You have about 80,000 working hours in your career: 40 years x 50 weeks x 40 hours.
That means it’s worth thinking hard about how to use this time most effectively. If you can make your career 1% higher impact (whatever that means to you), it would in theory be worth spending up to 800 hours working out how.
We believe you can increase your impact by much more than 1%, and it’ll take a lot less than 800 hours.
Join us in our weekly discussion group, as we delve into the 80,000 hours podcast — conversations about the world’s most pressing problems and what you can do to solve them.
Agree with EA in principle, but not sure on how to apply them in your career? Join our mentor-mentee program and schedule a call with someone working in a high-impact cause area to get personalized career guidance.
We have mentors working in the following cause areas:
AI Alignment
Development Economics
Animal Welfare
Biosecurity and Pandemic Prevention
The 8-week long programme aims to equip you with the tools and resources to do the most good by:
Helping you figure out what your definition of good is.
Introducing you to models and concepts that help you make right decisions when it comes to doing good.
Sharing research on the most pressing global cause areas
Using high impact career planning frameworks to strategically plan your career
Date: 1 hour per week, Week 3-11 (exc. recess week and week 7), AY23/24 Fall.
Applications are due on 25th August.
In this talk, we will discover how the choices we make as conscientious consumers can ripple into transformative impacts, supporting causes that resonate with our core values.
Additionally, we will explore the intersection of EA and political engagement, as we delve into the potential of civic participation to shape policies and advance a more compassionate society.
Date: 1:30pm, 23rd August 2023
Location: Seminar Room, Level 4, NUS Central Library
Speaker: Dr. Joel Chow
In this session, Prof Mattsson of the Economics department will share how EA concepts influence research and policy within development economics. His research focuses on how formal and informal institutions shape behavior and socio-economic outcomes, offering valuable insights into the transformative power of economics in uplifting communities.
Date: 4pm, 22nd August 2023
Location: Seminar Room, Level 4, NUS Central Library
Speaker: Asst. Prof. Martin Mattsson
Our inaugural reading group invites you to delve into three captivating areas:
Policy and Governance with a focus on AI: Dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and its implications for governance and policy-making.
Securing Our Future: Biosecurity: Uncover the critical importance of biosecurity and its role in safeguarding humanity from biological risks. .
Career capital and personal development: Explore evidence-based sleep and nutrition, gaining career capital, and how to learn faster. Anecdotes are welcome but skepticism is expected :)
Date: 7pm, Sunday, Week 1 - Week 11, AY23/24 Fall
Location: Starbucks @ UTown, NUS
The 8-week long programme aims to equip you with the tools and resources to do the most good by:
Helping you figure out what your definition of good is.
Introducing you to models and concepts that help you make right decisions when it comes to doing good.
Sharing research on the most pressing global cause areas, such as international health and development, animal welfare, and preserving the long-term future of humanity
Using high impact career planning frameworks to strategically plan your career
Date: 7pm, Monday/Wednesday/Saturday, Week 2 - 11 (exc. recess week), AY22/23 Spring
Location: Meeting room, Level 3, NUS Central Library
Looking to find a community of passionate people striving to make positive change in the world? Want to know how you can maximize your personal impact? At EA NUS, we aim to be the evidence-based answer to these questions!
This event will be a presentation and a Q&A, where you can learn about the key ideas behind the movement, ask any questions, meet the community, and make friends! Oh, and free pizza will be served :)
Date: 7th November 2022, 4pm
Location: Basil, Shaw Foundation Alumni House, NUS (Kent Ridge campus)
Speaker: Wanyi Zeng